- Web site address: http://connectededucators.org/.
- Category: Teacher Resources
- Audience: Educators of all grade levels
- Subject area: All areas
- Description: This site is free and you can sign up for a free monthly newsletter Connected Educator Initiative which will keep you in the know of what is going on the online community of education. As you know there is an over abundance of online resources for educators and this site pools all the great sites together and online educators communities in just one place. What I especially like this site for is looking for resources for specific grade levels and subject areas in the search box. The site list other great resources you a gives a summary of the sites and when it i was created and how many members.
- Web site address: http://www.teachersnetwork.org
- Category: Teacher Resources
- Audience: Educators of all grade levels
- Subject Areas: All areas
- Description:This site is a collection of lesson plans for all subjects and all grade levels. It is easy to navigate and search a specific topic. You do not have to be a member and the site and all the lessons are free.
- Web site address:http://www.alline.org/euro/middle.html
- Category: Student Resources/ Interactive Learning Sites
- Audience: Middle School
- Subject Areas: All areas
- Description: This site is a great tool for both teachers and students to enhance their learning. It is chalk full of links to sites that are geared for middle school students as a great resource or interactive site. This would be a great site to to bookmark or link for students to readily access.
- website address:http://www.greatsource.com/iwrite/index.html
- Category: Teacher, Parent, Student Resources
- Audience: All levels
- Subject Areas: ELA
- Description:This is site is a great writing tool for students in class and at home. Teachers will find great graphic organizers and interactive worksheets that can be copied or displayed on the overhead.
- website address: http://www.greatschools.org/
- Category: Parent Resource and also Teacher Resource
- Audience: All levels
- Subject Areas: Pre K-High School
- Description:This site is for parents being the potential audience, in hopes that parents become informed and can help guide their child’s education at home and in the community. There are many great articles to read and everything is nicely organized into specific topics and grade levels. There are many easy to follow lessons, tips and worksheets to help support their child’s learning at home. These worksheets can also be used by teachers. I especially liked the student progress chart at the bottom of the home page. Which gives a broad outline of what students will be working on at the particular grade level.
- website address: http://www.middleweb.com/826/keep-up-with-ya-books
- Audience: Middle School/High School
- Category: Teacher Resource
- Subject Area: Popular Young Adult Books
- Description: Can’t keep up with Vampire Diaries, Hunger Games and all the other young adult books, well this site is for you. This site offers several other great sites/apps that offer summaries and reviews to catch up with all the current young adult books.
- Website address: http://www.sharemylesson.com/
- Category: Teacher Resource
- Audience: All Grades
- Subject Area: All Areas
- Description: ShareMyLesson.com is just that it is a place where teachers form an online community to discuss and share their lessons which follow the common core standards. This is a brand new site and with over 255,000 teachers contributing their lessons and insights. The best part is that everything is free and will remain that way.
- Website address: http://www.litscape.com/
- Category: Teacher Resource
- Audience: All Grades
- Subject Area: Literature
- Description: This site provides free access to thousands of great works of classic literature, modern day poets, songs and fables.This site is well organized and easy to navigate.
- Website address: http://www.vocabulary.co.il/
- Category: Student Interactive Online
- Audience: All grades
- Subject Area: Reading & Vocabulary
- Description: This site provides several online games to practice spelling, vocabulary and phonemic and phonological skills. I especially like this site for the online activity in syllable division.
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